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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 737, Issue 1,
Pages 3-126 (14 June 1996)

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Accrediation in the UK for pesticide residue analysis in foods, Pages 3-7
Stephen A. Thorpe and Stewart L. Reynolds
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (319 K)

Gel permeation chromatography--high-performance liquid chromatography combination as an automated clean-up technique for the multiresidue analysis of fats, Pages 9-14
Gerhard G. Rimkus, Marcus Rummler and Ingo Nausch
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (290 K)

Evaluation of new polymeric sorbents with high specific surface areas using an on-line solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatographic system for the trace-level determination of polar pesticides, Pages 15-24
Sophie Guenu and Marie-Claire Hennion
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (541 K)

Simple removal of humic and fulvic acid interferences using polymeric sorbents for the simultaneous solid-phase extraction of polar acidic, neutral and basic pesticides, Pages 25-33
V. Pichon, C. Cau Dit Coumes, L. Chen, S. Guenu and M. -C. Hennion
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (419 K)

On-line solid-phase extraction in liquid chromatography using restricted access pre-columns for the analysis of s-triazines in humic-containing waters, Pages 35-45
P. Önnerfjord, D. Barceló, J. Emnéus, L. Gorton and G. Marko-Varga
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (684 K)

Automated sample preparation with extraction columns followed by liquid chromatography-ionspray mass spectrometry Interferences, determination and degradation of polar organophosphorus pesticides in water samples, Pages 47-58
C. Molina, P. Grasso, E. Benfenati and D. Barceló
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (699 K)

Development of a prototype system for quasi-continuous analysis of organic contaminants in surface or sewage water based on in-line coupling of solid-phase microextraction to gas chromatography, Pages 59-65
Ralf Eisert and Karsten Levsen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (366 K)

Pesticide monitoring of drinking water with the help of solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 67-74
A. Junker-Buchheit and M. Witzenbacher
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (442 K)

Rapid determination of glufosinate, glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in environmental water samples using precolumn fluorogenic labeling and coupled-column liquid chromatography, Pages 75-83
J. V. Sancho, F. Hernández, F. J. López, E. A. Hogendoorn, E. Dijkman and P. van Zoonen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (468 K)

Analysis of chlorinated 1,3-butadienes by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Pages 85-91
Elena Fattore, Emilio Benfenati and Roberto Fanelli
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (270 K)

Determination and stability of pesticides in freeze-dried water samples by automated on-line solid-phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography with diode-array detection, Pages 93-99
I. Ferrer and D. Barceló
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (403 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of 14C-labelled terbuthylazine and principal degradates in percolation water and soil extracts from leaching experiments, Pages 101-107
O. Schlegel, R. Niessner and I. Scheunert
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (329 K)

Comparative study of high-performance liquid chromatography and micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography applied to the analysis of different mixtures of pesticides, Pages 109-116
Adriana Farran, Santiago Ruiz, Carme Serra and Manuel Aguilar
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (452 K)

On-line and off-line solid-liquid extraction and liquid chromatographic analysis at trace levels, for monitoring of herbicides and their degradation products in river and fluvio-estuarine freshwater-seawater interfaces, Pages 117-126
Stéphane Dupas, Pierre Scribe and Jean François Dubernet
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (508 K)


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